This Pool Boy Gets Me Wet!

December 17, 2008 on 2:38 am | In Exhibitionism, Interracial, Slut Wife |

This video, which is one that I did for our Playboy TV show, is one that doesn’t show too much hardcore (due to the parameters Playboy TV has), but I thought you guys would like to see it anyway. Please keep in mind when viewing it that Playboy TV Can’t show fluids, so I do apologize for not being able to show the actual cum shot. It all started when I went shopping for Jimmy, he needed a new shirt for the interview segment for our Playboy TV show. I never thought while heading to the mall, that I was actually going to pick-up a guy for the Playboy shoot. You see, while I was in one of the clothing stores in the mall, I noticed this guy checking me out. I didn’t have time to play my regular games, you know where I accidentally drop an item just to have to bend over to show off my pantyless bottom, I had only enough time to pick out a shirt and get back to the house where the Playboy TV Hosts were waiting. So to make things move fastest I asked the guy (named Shaun) if he could model a shirt for me due to him being of the same proportions as my Husband Jim. He was nice enough to grant me the favor of trying on the shirt, which was just the right size and color, so as I looked down at his “Package”… Continue Here.

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