Getting a Facial In Bathtub
January 9, 2009 on 1:03 pm | In Blowjob, Solo Play |Well as many of you already know, Jimmy is never without his camera nearby. But before I get into telling you about this video, let me just say: Jimmy used a fisheye-lens that made my ass and legs look four times the size they really are! You see, Jimmy decided to use his fisheye lens to try and capture more of the scene in the small bathroom, which gives the illusion that my ass is greater in size than it already is. I hope you all enjoy watching as Jimmy video tapes me taking a bubble bath while I get ready for a Very Naughty Slutwife Date. I start by shaving my legs, then after some teasing, I get myself off with some help from Jimmy (talk about some good multi-tasking, he never even puts the camera down as he helps by lending me a hand… or should I have said a finger… hehe). Anyway, seeing how much I teased Jimmy, I needed to release the sexual tension… Continue Here.
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