Shawnny’s Brother A Virgin?
December 14, 2008 on 10:15 pm | In Interracial, Slut Wife |I won’t bore you with the details. I will however tell you that when I got the call from Shawnny (my latest boy toy) my day definitely turned around from boring to very adventurous, sexually adventurous that is! I talked to Shawnny for only ten minutes, but it was long enough for him to tell me he was coming over soon, and that he wanted me dressed in something very sexy. He also asked if my Husband Jim was going to be present. I told him Jimmy was getting home soon from work and that he would in fact probably be there before him. I told him if he wanted me to tell Jimmy not to come home anytime soon, that all I would have to do is call him (Shawnny knows that Jimmy would let me have one-on-one time with my boy toy if asked). Shawnny then told me he actually wanted Jimmy there to video tape the action, he then added I should be thinking younger as he would have a surprise for me when he arrived. As you will see in the video, Shawnny and I had a mix up in our communications. You see, he told me to think young, so I dressed up in a naughty schoolgirl outfit thinking that was what he had in mind. I never would have thought he was actually bringing his younger brother, who just turned 18 a month ago, over to lose his virginity… Continue Here.
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