Coach Gives It To Soccer Mom
October 5, 2008 on 12:47 pm | In Slut Wife |After assisting the coach’s pre-game needs in my usual casual clothing (see video entitled: Soccer Mom Plays With Coach), I decided it was time for the coach to give it to me really good in my black sexy lingerie with fishnet stockings. You see, the coach was very much excited to have another sexual adventure with me and to make it even more exciting I had asked him what kind of lingerie really got his cock hard. He told me that he loved a woman in fishnet stockings and black was his color of choice. The very next game, I decided to slip a pair of fishnet stockings into my purse to tease the coach into another sexual rendezvous. After the game I asked the coach over to my car and asked him if he could give me the name of a good athletic store for buying soccer shin guards. This was a blatant attempt to have him see the package of fishnet stockings in my purse as I opened up my purse in front of him for a pen and piece of paper. To further assist in seducing him, I asked him to hold the package of stockings as I tried to search in my purse for a pen. When I handed them to him, I saw his face light up with lustful anticipation. When I found the pen I asked for the stockings back, then I asked him in a very playful way, if they were the right ones. He smiled back and said he would need to see them on me to make that decision… Continue Here.
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