Traveling With 13″ Cock In Hand
November 2, 2008 on 4:08 pm | In Interracial, Slut Wife |The weekend was progressing pretty uneventful until I got a call from Shawnny (you remember him, the young black guy with the biggest cock I’ve ever seen) asking if Jimmy and I would like to go with him to a football party at his friend’s house. I quickly accepted his invite, not that I was into watching a football game with a bunch of rowdy college guys, but because I wanted another chance to get his enormous cock inside me. After I had accepted his invite, Shawnny also volunteered to drive both Jimmy and I to the party. This offer I accepted without any hesitation as I knew by Shawnny driving us to the party, it would give me not one (in the car ride there), not two (at the party), but at least three (in the car ride home and once we arrived back home, an offer to cum inside for a drink… wink…wink…wink) different occasions to seduce him into giving me that nice thirteen inch cock of his…Continue Here.
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