Fan’s Ultimate Fantasy Granted
September 21, 2008 on 10:25 pm | In Interracial, Slut Wife |This is just another video showing that I do in fact grant member’s wishes of having me be their little slut for a day… Ok, maybe just an hour or two But either way, take a look at what happens when I run into a fan at the exxxotica show in New Jersey and he lets me know his ultimate fantasy. This member wasn’t into small talk, just straight out with what he wants from me. Most guys that I meet want to fuck my pussy and couldn’t careless about getting a blowjob, but not this member. He wanted nothing else but to have me… and I quote, “I want one of your ultimate blowjobs. I want to have you suck my cock until it explodes and then I want you to lick me clean… every last drop clean!” Well after we hung out at the exxxotica show for a while together, I found out he was in fact a pretty cool guy, so Jimmy and I told him what hotel we were staying at and made arrangements for him to come over later that night. I told him that I had no problems with making his ultimate fantasy a reality, but I wanted to make sure I was treated to a nice orgasm as well… Continue Here.
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