Barbi Spreads Some Holiday Cheer!

December 24, 2008 on 11:06 am | In Slut Wife |

I receive lots of emails from members of the site, some asking for advice on how to make their own wives more like me… A Naughty SLUT… some asking if I could send them a fan pic or two, but every once in a while I get one that asks for ME! This video features just that, a member asking if he could be in one of my adventures. What made this email stand out more than others I receive like it, was the fact that not only did this member send me an email, but his friends did as well. The member, who’s name is BEN, sent me one of the nicest emails, commenting on everything from the way I dress to the way I trimmed up my pussy. He went into the seduction of what he would want to do to me if he ever met me in person, and let me tell you that part of his email was hot enough to make me start playing with myself. The second email I received to this seduction was from Ben’s friends. They wrote about how Ben talked about me all the time, adding in their email the fact that even when they were out with their girlfriends, Ben would make comments about how if Barbi was here, she would be the hottest woman in here and she would know exactly how to make them all want her by showing off her beautiful body. They also added that it seemed Ben was indeed one member who would be thankful just to meet me in person. I was so moved by both their emails that I sent one back to Ben’s friends asking them if they thought I should indeed make Ben’s wishes come true. After a few replies back and forth…Continue Here.

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