Pro-Baseball Player Hits Homerun!
April 17, 2009 on 11:58 am | In Interracial, Slut Wife, Threesome |It’s not everyday that one gets to be with a Pro-Baseball Player! Now let me tell you how it all came to be: It started with an email I received from somebody claiming to be a professional baseball player. When I actually received this email from a guy saying he was with a professional baseball team, I didn’t take it for real as I often get emails from people saying they are someone they aren’t. This time though, I was intrigued by the photos he sent along with the email. Some of the photos were of him in his baseball uniform, and the other photos were of him in his everyday casual wear. When I showed Jimmy the email, he told me I had to take him for real as it looked legit to him. Jimmy told me he knew who the guy was, not that he ever met him, but that he had seen him on televised baseball games. Jimmy told me I should accept his offer of free tickets to one of his baseball games, so I emailed him back to get the ball rolling. After several emails back and forth, we finally exchanged phone numbers and that was when it really heated up…Continue Here.
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