9/12/2007: We have brand new galleries available and will be emailing them out to all affiliates with this months newsletter. Please email us if you should need anything specific, please don't hesitate to ask! Remember, we also love to do fan signs, so please send your requests ASAP!

6/27/2007: Our first monthly news letter was sent out to all affiliates with our new galleries with linking codes. If you need promotional material, please email us with your needs, and we will get it to you ASAP.

3/06/2007: Today we added a ton of new promotional materials for our affiliates to use. Check out the new animated banners, FPA, HPA, and galleries. Please contact us if you need anything specific designed to promote us, we will gladly work with you to get you what you need.

11/09/2006: Well we are finally up and running after months of hard work and tons of money. We would like to thank Bernie of the www.DARKCAVERN.com and www.FETISHBUCKS.com for all his support. From helping with the design, hosting our site and also for all the encouragement along the way, THANK YOU.

We are really looking forward to getting to know each of you that sign up for our affiliate program. Together we will prosper and reach dreams only the internet can provide!




50% Payout on initial sign-up.

50% recurring for the lifetime of membership.

All payouts are paid weekly through CCBill.

All video and photo material is shot, edited, and copyrighted by us.

All Videos are shot in a reality format which tends to convert best!

All material is 100% amateur, we don't hire models.

We don't sell to those corporate sites, you can only see our stuff on our site.

As an affiliate member, we let you choose which marketing tools you want to promote us with.

Picture Galleries, FPA's, HPA's and of course many different size banners to meet your needs.

We will always try to accommodate custom requests, including: fan pics, custom galleries, interviews, and even live performances via cam!

Link directly to our no pop-up, no ad tour, absolutely no traffic leak site.

We are only selling our site on the tour, your traffic will not be steered any where else.



Latest Gallery

I'm Getting Wet Waiting

To get this latest thumbnail gallery, just email us with your affiliate ID, and we will send you this and other galleries to choose from with your linking codes all ready inserted!

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This amateur adult website is couple owned and operated. (REALLY!!)
Copyright © barbisluttyadventures.com 2005-Present.