This photo set was inspired by Daisy Dukes from the old television show “Dukes Of Hazard.” If you remember the TV show, you will remember Daisy always wore short-shorts that barely covered her ass… it was hot to say the least! Anyway, I have always wanted to wear the same kind of short-shorts, but have never found a pair I felt comfortable enough in to wear out in public, or to even have an entire photo set of me wearing them; that is until now. When I was shopping at one of my favorite clothing spots, I found these on one of the mannequins and they looked hot. When I tried them on in the store, to see if they would look as good on me as they did on the mannequin, I had to come out of the dressing room to see if Jimmy liked them on me. When I finally did come out of the dressing room, not only did Jimmy approve, but the few guys hanging around the dressing rooms, waiting for their significant others, approved too and…Continue Here.